Sunday, June 5th

Submitted by
As of 7/16/2005

- Preview Packs -

HaloUT Content Pack 1.75

This third HaloUT content pack includes a bunch of brand new models,
vehicles, maps, and a number of bug fixes for previous content.

o previous Content Packs are required to install Pack 1.75*

HaloUT Content Pack 1.75 - UMOD RAR - 164mb - FileFront
HaloUT Content Pack 1.75 - UMOD ZIP - 200mb - FileFront
HaloUT Content Pack 1.75 - RAR - 164mb - FileFront
HaloUT Content Pack 1.75 - ZIP - 200mb - FileFront
HaloUT Content Pack 1.75 - ZIP - 200mb - BeyondUnreal
HaloUT Content Pack 1.75 - ZIP - 200mb - PCGameMods
HaloUT Content Pack 1.75 - ZIP - 200mb - Amped DX
HaloUT Content Pack 1.75 - ZIP - 200mb - Levels4You
HaloUT Content Pack 1.75 - RAR - 164mb - Levels4You
HaloUT Content Pack 1.75 - Umod RAR - 164mb - Levels4You
HaloUT Content Pack 1.75 - Umod ZIP - 200mb - Levels4You

HaloUT Content Pack 1.75 - UMOD RAR - Torrent
HaloUT Content Pack 1.75 - UMOD ZIP - Torrent
HaloUT Content Pack 1.75 - RAR - Torrent
HaloUT Content Pack 1.75 - ZIP - Torrent

HaloUT Patch 1.751

This patch fixes several graphical and functional issues with Pack 1.75.

HaloUT Patch 1.751 - ZIP - 15mb - FilePlanet
HaloUT Patch 1.751 - ZIP - 15mb - PCGameMods
HaloUT Patch 1.751 - ZIP - 15mb - FileFront
HaloUT Patch 1.751 - ZIP - 15mb - Levels4You

HaloUT Vehicle Patch 1.7511

HaloUT Vehicle Patch 1.7511 - ZIP - 540kb - Levels4You
HaloUT Vehicle Patch 1.7511 - ZIP - 540kb - FileFront

HaloUT Content Pack 1.5

This second HaloUT content pack includes a selection of weapons, characters, vehicles, and a map. For full credits and more information please see the readme.

HaloUT Content Pack 1.5
- 44mb - UMOD - DSE Torrent
HaloUT Content Pack 1.5 - 56mb - ZIP - DSE Torrent
HaloUT Content Pack 1.5
- 44mb - RAR - DSE Torrent

Other Mirrors
HaloUT Content Pack 1.5
- UMOD Version - L4Y Mirror
HaloUT Content Pack 1.5
- RAR Version - L4Y Mirror
HaloUT Content Pack 1.5
- ZIP Version - L4Y Mirror
HaloUT Content Pack 1.5
- Beyond Unreal Mirror
HaloUT Content Pack 1.5 - PCGameMods Mirror
HaloUT Content Pack 1.5
- Extreme Players Mirror [German]
HaloUT Content Pack 1.5 - RAR Version - FilePlanet Mirror
HaloUT Content Pack 1.5 - UMOD Version - FilePlanet Mirror


- Characters (Content Pack 1.0) -

Thanks a ton to EvilEngine for providing this superb collection of playable Halo characters for UT2004.

FilePlanet Mirror - 70mb ZIP Mirror - 70mb ZIP
Torrent Mirror (requires the Bittorrent client) -70mb ZIP


- Videos -

HaloUT Promo Video 1

Well, I put together a little in-game footage of various HaloUT components along with some great music, and here are the results. I recommend the WMV version as it is the smallest and best quality (the QT and DivX versions are for those who don't use WMP).

HaloUT Promo Video 1 - WMV - 8mb - Bittorrent Mirror
HaloUT Promo Video 1 - WMV - 8mb - DSE MIRROR
HaloUT Promo Video 1 - WMV - 8mb - BFS Mirror
HaloUT Promo Video 1 - WMV - 8mb - PCGM Mirror
HaloUT Promo Video 1 - WMV - 8mb - FileFront Mirror
HaloUT Promo Video 1 - WMV - 8mb - FilePlanet Mirror
HaloUT Promo Video 1 - Quicktime - 17mb - PCGM Mirror
HaloUT Promo Video 1 - Quicktime - 17mb - FileFront Mirror
HaloUT Promo Video 1 - DivX - 11mb - PCGM Mirror
HaloUT Promo Video 1 - DivX - 11mb - FileFront Mirror

- Official Project Torlan Logo -

Here are links for you to download the official Project Torlan logo, designed by me and featured in many places around the project. - Jpeg versions - Photoshop PSD version


This website and its design were created and are maintained by CaptainValor
Copyright 2004-2005 All Rights Reserved is an independent free service dedicated to Bungie Studios games: past, present, and future.
We are not business affiliates of Bungie Studios, Microsoft, Gearbox, Epic Games, or Atari, and do not officially represent them.
The name "Torlan" and ONS-Torlan are copyright Streamline Studios/Hourences. The games and content featured here are copyright
Microsoft, Gearbox, Bungie Studios, Epic Games, and Atari.