Sunday, June 5th

Submitted by
As of 7/16/2005

All Good Things...
This post is very hard for me to write. I guess I knew it would come to this someday, but that doesn't make it any easier. In the fashion of nearly all the mod groups that have ever thrown their dice into play, Project Torlan's days will soon come to an end... but not before one last hoorah.

Today, Exodus--who has been, quite frankly, the only reason I did not have to write this message long ago--departed from the Project. His life right now is a great struggle, but out of respect for him I will not go into details. As many of you understand, the world can be a cruel and cold place with disheartening consistency. It smashes even the most noble dreams and brings even the most resolute among us to their knees. At the same time, the world can offer joys and happiness that move us to forget the bad moments. Either way, it is the struggle with life's cruelty and life's bliss that takes priority over anything we may aspire to do here, in cyberspace. Exodus has left us so that he may take up that struggle, and I'm afraid that I must, as well. Therefore, the Project is ending.

However, since we have survived for over a year and completed so much, it would be shame to simply end the project without some sort of farewell gift to all the fans that have been so loyal to us for so long. That gift will be the Community eXtras Pack, or CXP, which has been in development for the past few months. I can't say exactly when it will come, or what exactly what it will have, but I can promise you that it will be big. Pretty much everything that you have been seeing screenshots of in the CXP WiP galleries will be released. We will attempt to assemble it all into a respectable package and get it out to you before the Summer is over.

After the release of the CXP, I will formally release all current Project Torlan teams members from the squad and suspend the Project indefinitely. I will talk with Steve about keeping the site active, and I will attempt to keep some forums active in some place or another. But development on the project will cease until someone with a ton of free time, leadership abilities, experience in modding, and blind determination comes along and wishes to resume it. Therefore, the Project might possibly resume sometime in the future if such a person offers to take it on. Otherwise, the site should be here and our content will remain on various file servers for you to enjoy as long as people play UT2004.

I promised you that I would see this Project out to whatever conclusion was in store for it, and apparently this is it. I'll post an update soon about a possible release date for the CXP.

Thank you all! It's been an incredible ride.
Posted on 19 Jun 2005 by CaptainValor
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